Ride Map

Monday, August 30, 2010

Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild

Leaving in the morning

Finally. Disappointingly, the trip I've wanted to take across the US has been postponed several times but it appears I'm going to be able to ride out in the morning - hurricane season be damned. I'm not going to spend as much time eating as I originally thought, though. I've lost quite a bit of weight and have no desire to put it back on. My original plan was to eat until the tires of my bike flattened when I climbed on and the only clothes I could wear would be bedsheets and muumuus. The over the top flowery kind. Now, it's more about the ride than the food. fyi - I noticed the Then Came Bronson and the Easy Rider youtube clips don't work. I'll see what I can do about putting them back on if I can find comparable vids. More tomorrow.

then came bronson opening